I Know Who You Are But What Am I?
Having a purple American Apparel hoodie pulled over a Brandy Melville one size fits all T-shirt with black leggings and Ugg boots after waking up at 2 pm even though this precious little angel went to be at 11 pm perhaps epitomizes the image of many youth when I would say my generation reach peak angstyness at the ripe age of 13. This of course is a generalization of youth culture circa 2009 but it does serve the ideology that each generation has this look in which everyone tries to fit into. Why is this? Teens are trying to fit in with each other be carbon copies of one another because there is is understood notion that if you can manage to be similar to those around you, you can fade into the background. This makes one wonder why an individual would want to fade into the background. The reason that I often wanted to and unfortunately never succeeded was due to always being the tallest person in the grade and have a mop of ginger hair which I was so insecure about. Always comparing ourself to other makes many people feel inadequate and insecure. This constant uncertainty in ones ability appearance and judgment at this junction in life is what makes it so difficult. dissatisfied Although this study was done in 1997 I think the same principles touched on can be applied with this new century. Coming-of-age has not changed that much. The process of a child becoming a teen and a teen transforming into an adult is archetypal.
A time when hormones are changing your physical appearance
and experiencing new things is a plethora of things all thrown at youths at once. A coming-of-age process is difficult and haunted with anxiety, fear and angst. Its hard to be expected to have to ask permission for the washroom while dealing with intense issues like mental illness, trying drugs and alcohol and new relationships. I felt like during that time of 13-15 everyone was so pent up. The things in school we were learning did not really apply to how to better understand ourselves. I’m sure having a three month unit on earthquakes and volcanoes is going to be useful one day but it didn’t help anyone who had an erupting face whether it be with acne or tears, both a common sight. Angst which seems as if it is the most important life ending, hopeless feeling in the world is a catalyst for us to explore ourselves and through adversity emerges optimistically a more capable, empathetic and coping individual. Overall, the coming-of-age process would be much more enjoyable without angst but not as affective.
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