Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Thursday, December 4, 2014

google(lazy teens)
I am pessimistic about youth today because in todays youth there isn’t much hope, Youth today are to lazy and get influenced to easily making it seem impossible for them to accomplish big things in life. It seem to me that as the years moves on we see more and more sources of technology making this generation even more lazy than before the last generation. I don’t want to put the blame on the people inventing the items but mostly on the parents and who ever is getting influenced by those technological inventions causing them to get further away from the real world and making them even lazier to getting up and doing something consecutive with their lives. I also believe that most of the time, that todays youth today are just acting a certain way just because of what they see on television or what they see on social media for example where I live there is a young man that died due to racing, making me ask myself what was he thinking, how and who in the world would influence him to do such a reckless act and causing him his own death, with all do respect my heart goes out to his family, but i found it absolutely absurd, i have my own theory to why he did it and I truly believe that it was to seem cool and not chicken out in front of his friends.
I am going to go  against my own saying, to be honest I can understand a little bit why he would do such a thing, for the thrill of it !! I mean I would probably feel an adrenaline to act stupid and be reckless, it's perfectly normal, acting stupid and not giving a care in the word sometimes it's in our natural humain instincts, we do not always think one or two step ahead and say to ourselves "hey did you know , not only will you die,but  you will cause great grieve to people around you". Another reason to why I am pessimistic about this youth generation is because they take things for granted, like for instance when their parent buy them something, they aren't aware of the price or how many hours they had to work for it but still half the time end up recking it, this is the perfect example of my little cousin who had gotten a gift from her father (an ipod) and ended up getting annoyed since it wasn't the newest version, it is not being reckless but very ungrateful and I believe that unless they feel and see what the adult world has to bring they will still be ignorant and ungrateful. Maybe one day as I myself mature more I will have a different view about my generation but as to now i don't see a bright future ahead hence the fact that seem like they don’t even have any hope for their selfs they are sticking to the drake theory “YOLO” which will get them absolutely no where in life.

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