Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Todays' youth, tomorrow's generation.

First, second, third world problems, and all can change with a few steps. Our world has suffered throughout time, and now it fluxuates. Youth have always had the advantage to see diferently from their elders views. During the 60's, which was more than just peace and love movement, everything they've fought for has held to this day. They stood for what was right, and i truly believe that in the 21st century, its youth can, and will define the future. 
Student fee riot in 2012
With science and technology being more advanced than a few decades ago, it's easier to know what's happening, and where it's taking place. Let it be a rave in some abandoned warehouse, or a concert at your favourite club, following up on how the world is functionning is our starting point to create a better world. During the scholarship fee hike back in 2011-2012, youth has marched within downtown Montreal, in order to make a change, and stop the school expences from getting higher. Older people were found marching with them, but the majority were angered youth. The riots may or may not have made a difference, but we wanted education to stay accessible to everyone. It's already difficult enough for those who were living with their parents, not to mention the students who lived on their own and had a steady job to cover a good amount of school expences such as books, and supplies along with their own personal expences and living spaces. Just like the youth who protested vietnam and the race wars, todays' youth are activists because we stand up for what is right for everyone. Not just themselves, because i don't believe that youth are selfish. Materialistic, perhaps, but i see a lot of youth who are against animal crualty, are for a green, eco friendly space. They volunteer, and raise awareness for homeless people, it brings change, although very little in the aspect of the world's demograph, it only takes on day to make eveyrone around realize; although it's not happening directly to them, but it could be someone close to them. 
The first black president knows what's up!!
 Some might be seen mostly out having a good time in bars, a night out on the town, but those same people make a difference everyday. No matter how big or small the outcome is, it's the beginning of a revolution that will define our generation if studied half a century later. I'm pretty optimistic about todays' youth, they have every advances previous generations didn't own. When i put a smile on someones face, it makes a difference for both of us. When we all partake in something we all believe in and fight for it, we make a difference for tomorrow's generation.

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