Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Monday, December 1, 2014

This image represents Patti Smiths decision to leave home to go discover herself and become an artist. She realizes in order to be able to practice her artistry she must embark on her own a

Altar Boy

This image represents Robert Mapplethorpe, I feel it greatly captures the juxtaposition between his love for being an alter boy and his mischievous personality. It also shows Mapplethorpes inner turmoil between good and evil.


Joan of Arc

Not only representing the actual statue Patti Smith visits at the beginning of the book, but I feel this image greatly represents Patti as a person. Joan of Arc and Patti Smith both defied traditional norms of womanhood and sought out their own happiness through different mediums.

Bonnie and Clyde
Smith references them in her book, however I also feel these two greatly represent Patti and Robert. Perhaps not great bank robbers who die in a blaze of glory but still a couple with an unbreakable bond and unwavering ambitions.

Hotel Chelsea

This image represents what I feel was the greatest defining moment in Patti Smiths artistry or even perhaps her life as a whole. Without all the experiences she had while staying at, and associating with the Hotel Chelsea Patti Smith`s life couldve been completely different.

So You Want to Be a Rock`N``Roll Star

This is the song that is shown to Patti Smith and unwakens something dorment inside her. At the time she`s not sure why and only knows she`s intrigued by the music. Subconciously her inner rock star has been awoken and just needs the nurturing that is Hotel Chelsea.

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan was a very influential figure for Patti Smith, although he does not make an appearance in the book he is mentioned multiple times. It`s evident that Patti draws insperation from him and it can be seen in her artistry throughout the book.

Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix was another influential figure in Patti Smith`s life. Patti actually does get to speak with Jimi, which is mentioned in her book. Unfortunately he dies shortly after their conversation and is not able to create the universal language of music he wished too.

  Patti Smith did briefly spend some time homeless, although it was never mentioned very negatively. Robert and Patti were minimalists which allowed them to be optimistic about their living conditions, however finance was still an issue and it certainly had an impact on their lives which is why I chose this image.

Finally a chose this last image of Patti Smith to contrast with what she says at the end of the Hotel Chelsea chapter about those who did not make it. Many fell to drug abuse or got caught up in the party life but Patti succeed. Through a difficult coming of age process of becoming an artist she was the one who prevailed and moved on to achieve many great things.

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