Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Generation Y: the enhanced “Me” generation.

 “The values [we had] then, and the values [your generation has] now are so vastly different, that the word ‘values’ now deserves a new definition. […] the youth of today is selfish.” This is what a Baby Boomer responded when asked about the values of today’s youth. Is he right? Is it an issue? What are the differences in values? 
Photo created by ModeLoverin

According to Rob Asghar, “Baby Boomers made a deafening noise as they came of age, demanding that the world bend in their direction. Now here’s a shock: They raised their kids to have pretty much the same expectations.” Those kids, us, are now referred to as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y. If you were to ask my opinion, I think that the Baby Boomer that was quoted before is wrong for several reasons and I don’t believe it is an issue we need to worry about. In fact, Millennials are one of the best educated generations in history.

Natalie Waterworth believes that since “many Millennials grew up seeing their Baby Boomer parents working day and night doing stressful corporate jobs, it has shaped their own views on the workforce and the need for work-life balance.” Baby Boomers have no work-life balance. To them it was “Live to work”. They were hesitant of taking too much time off work for fear of loosing their place on the corporate team. As a result, there is an imbalance between work and family. Millennials, on the other hand, not only had balance with work and life, but balance with work, life and community involvement and self development. To them it was “Work to live”. Our generation wants to make a lot of money, but we also believe in supporting non-profit causes. They value their lifestyle over upward mobility. If presented with a work promotion that will throw their life out of balance, they will choose their lifestyle. However, the Millennials do have a default, and it is that they feel entitled to many things whereas the Baby Boomers took nothing for granted and knew that they had to work hard to get what the want.  
Nevertheless, if you were to look at the core values each generation has, you will see that they have a lot in common. Do our values differ from our parents values? Yes. Are the differences so bad that today's youth should be classified as selfish? Absolutely not! It's actually on the contrary, our values promote socialism, globalism, focus on family and children...all of which are selfless values. Although one can't deny that today's youth does not centralize confidence, self-achievement, and that we are self-absorbed and have a "me first" attitude in work life.   
Boomers vs. Millennials Photo from
Shutterstock/Sandra Stiegeler

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