Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Growing up

Growing up

Growing up has a bitter sweet taste especially when it comes to teenage years where everybody will tell you that are the worse years, and that teenagers do not know anything however, the coming of age process is a mix of many emotions is like a roller coaster. And yes angst is just another feature of the process. Moreover growing up is a beautiful thing even though it depends from which point of view it is seen. When we arrive into this world everything is wonderful but as we grow up we develop great and bad changes mostly good that remain with us forever. Eventually we pass through that point where we are not kid but we are not adult yet teen years and that is when the confusion, stress and especially the angst comes in. That leads many teenagers and I included to a very discomfort place because we are still growing up and figuring out who we are? And who we want to be? And right then the whole world comes at with all this questions that you do not have an answer for.  

As we reach adulthood and overall grow many feelings and emotions star to develop and either help you or not, for example: angst is a feeling shows maturity in a person and helps you reach your goals quicker. Also when academics come in that feeling expands, especially when it comes to making decisions and to deciding on what to do. Angst is a feeling or emotion that helps but at the same time can cause many problems. We can consider it as a double edge feeling but is a part of growing up and realizing that adulthood is knocking at your door.  

Furthermore, angst is a feeling that can start developing very early as well. As it started for baby in Lullabies for little criminal, we see how baby started to develop and used this emotions more and more. Also at some point saw herself as just a little girl but with a much wider knowledge them most children her age. This leaded her into bad places and the outcome was all the bad choices she made because she did not know how to distinguish good and bad, and if she did she always choose the bad things. Also she was in a world for grown ups and she did not know how to live in very well. This situation can not only happen to baby but to many kids today so is important to live each stage according to our age, and not rush things eventually we will grow. Also growing up is a matter of making choices even if they are big or small they are in important because they start to shape your future and give you a sense of what are you going to be in the future based on the things you choose and how they are chosen.

Lastly, the process of growing up is a beautiful and very difficult as well, it has the best of both worlds and angst is always going to be there. It just depends how you deal it with it.

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