Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A bright Future on The Horizon

As generations pass and new ones emerge, the millennials offer new and fascinating tendencies to observe. Personally, my outlook on our future as a whole is quite optimistic, because the tools we are exposed to and the technology we've become enamored with opens so many doors to creation and problem fixing. Amazing tools such as the internet, open avenues of self-discovery and promote productivity outside of the traditional realms of work (i.e school and the workplace) that didn't exist before. For instance, many teens have carved out a lane for themselves by posting videos and creating a dedicated audience on Youtube. This option of making money on the internet in a hollywood-esque fashion has only existed for 7 years, and it's the millenials who are jumping on the opportunity. With this access to better and more advanced resources, the millenials have also become the most studied generation, which means we are more aware and generally know more about ourselves than previous generations. Turning back to individual productivity I was talking about before, take this quote by The US Chamber Foundation: "In 2011, many took the leap. Millennials launched almost 160,000 startups each month, and 29% of all entrepreneurs were 20 to 34 years old." It then went on to say: "Startups are essential to job creation in the United States. The entrepreneurial mind-set of Millennials could support the economic recovery, helping reverse a declining trend of business startups." Although start-ups aren't always successful, it proves that there's a level of autonomy amongst our generation that enables us to carry out our plans and ideas. Another example of this motivation is highlighted by Steven Cohen, a professor at Columbia University. He wrote an article on the Huffington Post about being optimistic about today's youth. He had this to say: "I did not know what a resume was until I graduated from college. Today I know twelve year olds with resumes." This demonstrates a general cultural awareness amongst young kids that working is essential, and that to land a proper job, you need to start with a CV. And why not start young! Author Donna Fenn's book Upstarts has an optimistic outlook on our future entrepreneurs as well, according to the US Chamber Foundation, stating this: [Donna] believes that starting a business in today’s digital age is cheaper and less risky. She predicts that in 20 years, Millennials will prove to be the most seasoned, experienced generation of entrepreneurial leaders yet." In summary, I am not the only dreamer who sees a lot of potential amongst my peers, it's a question of properly using the resources that are available to us and not getting too comfortable with the luxuries we've grown accustom too.

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