Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Bed Peace

     What does the future have in store for youths today? To be honest, I feel quite pessimistic about the youth of today. I hate to say that just because I am considered, well I am a youth! I am part of that category. However when i talk about youths, I don't mean every single one. I am talking about the majority, from observations and experiences, and most importantly research. The main reason for which I feel pessimistic, which also happened to be the topic of my oral presentation, is the youth has many distractions these days. 

Great company..

     Cell phones are by far the biggest distraction we have. Its unfortunate how much time people dedicate to texting, playing or even just taking "useful" pictures. I am a member of a synchronized skating team, and I decided to do a survey with the girls to have some stats. 
Out of 17 girls that rage from 13 years old to 24 years old:

  • 88% sleep with their phone next to their heads
  • 76% check instagram and facebook everyday
  • 19% spend less than four hours each day on social media
  • 68% spend more than four hours each day on social media
     Youths have also become extremely lazy. Can people survive without cell phones, or computers? Its insane that there is a new app almost every week that will somewhat "benefit" us. What some people don't seem to realize is that people got around and did the things we did without having everything we have today. As people say today "the struggle is real". This frustrates me because probably half don't even know what struggle means. People who weren't born here for example, came to Canada to have a better life. They know what it's like to work hard for the opportunities, it was not just handed to them.

Parents these lazy right

     Work hard play hard! The thing is we are grateful to live in world where we have all these different functions to help us be the best, but yet we let ourselves get absorbed in all of it. What if we woke up one day and all of the technology in our homes died? There is no way of fixing it and we must adapt to our new lives without it? Who would fail and who would rise? 

Whatever's good for your that

     Personal example ; my little cousin is 13 years old. He has a cell phone, computer, ipad and two ipods. I don't see the point of having all those objects, especially at such a young age. He dropped his phone in a pool after 8months of having it, and his dad bought him a new one without hesitation. The biggest problem I have with this is not that he gets all these "important" things, but that he THINKS he needs these things. The kids in his class talk about the neat new gadgets coming out and how they need it. So materialistic right? Do they even realize how much their parents are paying to buy them these things that will last maybe a years.? 

     All this to say that the youths disappoint me. We shouldn't let technology get the best of us. The mind can do many great things, but being protected by an electrical wall will not let our full potential shine. It is not healthy, and i think we can do fine without spending hours scrolling through most likely irrelevant things. Grab a newspaper, read a book! Lets go youths, lets turn our future around and prove people wrong!

Slow progress is better than no progress. 

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