Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Optimistic about today's youth? As if...

Past year use of various drugs by 12th graders, Marijuana 36.4%, Synthetic Marijuana 7.9%, Adderall 7.4%, Vicodin 5.3%, Cough med 5%, Tranquilizers 4.6%, Hallucinogens 4.5%, Sedatives 4.8%, Salvia 3.4%, Oxycontin 3.6%, MDMA 4%, Inhalants 2.5%, Cocaine 2.6%, Ritalin 2.3%

Unfortunately today when I think about today's youth, I do not have a positive outlook. In today's generation the youth have become very lazy, self destructive. Sadly I don't see things changing for the better.

I've realized over the course of time that the use of drug, alcohol have been effecting the youth of today. A survey was done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, that measured drug, alcohol and tobacco use of youth substance from 2013, and have concluded that drug use only started raising from the mid to late 2000 but has increased since then. In 2013, 7.0 % of 7th graders, 18.0 % of 10th graders, and 22.7% of 12th graders have used marijuana in the past month. The daily use of marijuana has increased of the course of time compared to the mid-2000's. I can strongly agree that the use of marijuana has determinately increased over the course of time. More teens are doing it by feeling peer pressured, or having curiosity of what the effects feel like, or doing it for the thrill of the moment. In 2013, 3.5 % of 8th graders, 12.8 % of 10th graders, and 26 % of 12th graders have claimed they've gotten drunk in the past month, and it has been a trend from previous years.
Shows percent use against perceived risk from 1975 - 2012. Latest trends show increased use as perceived risk goes down.  Marijuana use trending upwards to 36.4% with perceivd risk dropping to 19.6%
Study done by the University of Michigan, taken from National Institute on Drug Abuse.

On a more personal note, i've witnessed a friend of mine peer pressuring the other friend of mine on smoking weed, and giving the regular responses of "just try it once, it won't kill you" unfortunately now it is one of her favorite pastimes. She has become very lazy ever since her first intake of drug use, and hasn't been very motivated in accomplishing anything rather than having fun. The youth of today are easily influenced on doing things they know aren't entirely good for themselves. I've realized even amongst the group of people, i've surrounded myself with over the course of years that the youth of today are a little too carefree. They do not think of tomorrow, but just live in the moment of today and don't think for the future.

I believe the youth today are growing up a little too fast. I can speak even for myself that I've done numerous of things not permitted in my age category. My sister always use to tell her friends, she was amazed at my generation, and how when she was a teen she never smoked, drank or did the things that the youth are doing today. She is now 29, and can still vouch that she's only touched alcohol the age she was legal of touching it. My first time experiencing alcohol was at the age of 14, I actually went into a liquor store (SAQ) and purchased it myself using the personal identification cards of my sisters without her knowing. 

I personally find the youth of today are more advanced in experimenting things, and that is why I am pessimistic of the youth today. I can only imagine what the future generation will be like with the knowledge of how advanced we are. I am very scared to see how the youth will be years from now, when it is the time for me to have children. 

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