Bruce Davidson

Bruce Davidson
Brooklyn Gang 5

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Information is Universally Available Through Technologies

          I am optimistic about the youth of today due to the abundance of educational opportunities and availability of information through new technologies. Today’s technologies provide access to information that previous generations were not fortunate enough to have. Today, technology enables us to access more information on any topic from just about anywhere. Additionally, this enables more people to contribute to this pool of knowledge simply because it is more accessible. Youth today are much more comfortable with technology and changing technology and can leverage its potential much more effectively than the youth of the past. My father growing up was introduced to a computer for the first time when he was in cegep, now youth are introduced to technology as infants and are now better able to adapt to technologies’ ever-changing capabilities.

Human capital, or rather an individual’s value to society, is enhanced by our familiarity and mastery of technology. The job market demands higher skilled, more capable employees than ever before. Technology has eliminated a huge number of menial labor positions. In order to vie for good positions and the available positions, students need to be more adept in science and technology related fields. They have to be smarter, more creative and more capable. As a millennial, I have become adept with using multiple technology platforms as well as being able to adapt to new ones. At thirteen years old, I was given my own phone and I have owned my own computer since I was in elementary school. I am representative of my fellow peers.

More so today than ever before, youth are being taught at higher education levels as well through different methods, specifically the Internet. In today’s society, many children are given cellphones or computers at very young ages. As a result, they learn to become more proficient with technologies as well as learn how to navigate and use it to their advantage.

It starts at a very early age
Due to technology and other social media platforms, such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., the youth of today are well informed and connected. We live in a world with immediate access to what is going on and what’s up with who. The interpersonal skills developed through social media and the Internet in general are significant skills that enable youth to leverage technology to enhance their knowledge and awareness. These are skills are what will contribute to the success of my generation in academic, professional and/or business endeavours.

Where you go to learn, what you learn and the relationships you make along the way are significant contributing factors to someone’s success in life. The youth of today are well equipped to master these skills in large part due to technology and the availability of information.

Abundance of Social Media Options

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